Results - Digi4Wearables



The project envisages the development 2 sets of outcomes, available in English and Albanian, altogether covering the needs identified above, making possible the accomplishment of the main objectives. The 2 sets of results are interconnected, and directly linked to the project objectives:

Digi4Wearables Educational Package

‧ Website with online material structured in thematic sections.
‧ Videos and reports with guidelines, informative material and best practices
‧ Virtual and Physical training factoring practices.
‧ Course materials divided in seminars according to the thematic topics

Workshops and Seminars:

‧ Actions of virtual training and physical training workshops/seminars that will take place in Portugal, Albania and Romania will bring designers, product developers and managers, technicians, trainers and other stakeholders together.
‧ Community of practice for trainers and trainees: joining in working teams’ students, mentors from companies, researchers and academic staff
‧ 2 Train the trainers’ events in Portugal and Romania (with 8 px)
‧ Seminar in Albania for designers (with 20 px)
‧ Conference in Albania (with 50 px)

Service for

The City Residents

  • Improving staff working skills in using advanced technologies in footwear manufacturing
  • Integrating digital tools for footwear design to help companies to improve product quality, raise productivity and at the same time reduce time to market.
Awesome Image

Sustain companies to be competitive in the globalized business by offering products for every consumer.

Work Icon Work


  • Project management and Coordination & Quality Assurance (Leader: CTCP)
  • Digi4Wearables Educational Package (Leader: TUIASI)
  • Piloting Package (Leader: UOWM)
  • Impact and Dissemination (Leader: CRE.THI.DEV)